Expectations for Web Calculus Students

Time     To judge your work load for this course, imagine that you are in a MWF 11:00 a.m. calculus class that meets for 70 minutes each meeting, 3 times a week  for 15 weeks.  Your instructor and the college catalogue suggest that you study 2 hours outside of class for each hour in class.  Being a good math student, you calculate how much time you should minimally allow each week for calculus:

(70 min/mtg + 2 * 70 min/mtg ) * 3 mtgs/wk  =  (210) * 3 min/mtg * mtg/wk =   630 min/wk 

630 min/wk / (60 min/hr)  =  10.5 hrs/wk   to devote on calculus.

Then you add in the overhead of a portion of the travel time to and from campus and class, say 2 hrs/wk, and obtain about 12.5 hrs/wk that you must minimally allow for calculus in a regular lecture course.

    Since web courses, take, if anything, more time than traditional formats, you can estimate that this course might well take 12 to 15 hrs/wk of work after you get used to the multi-window format.

    To be successful you (probably) need this level of effort.