Anne Arundel Community College

MAT 100: Nature of Mathematics


An introduction to mathematical reasoning through an exposure to inductive methods, problem solving techniques and the organization of information to discover patterns. Treats geometric topics and the connections between mathematics and the arts and sciences. Topics may include sequences, topology, computers, fractals and introductory probability and statistics.


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Interpret, analyze and solve problems.
  2. Reason logically.
  3. Discover and recognize patterns.
  4. Explore the cultural contexts in which mathematics was created.


Follows basic mathematical modeling techniques
  • Interprets a problem in terms of one of the mathematical settings covered in the course.
  • Translates the problem into the appropriate mathematical terminology and symbols.
  • Uses the theory of the mathematical model to find a solution of the problem. Translates the solution back into the terms of the original problem. *

Uses numerical and geometrical patterns for problem solving.
  • Recognizes a problem in terms of one of the mathematical patterns covered in the course.
  • Utilizes the procedures based on these patterns to solve a related problem.
  • Describes how numerical and geometrical patterns are applied to real world situations such as problems in art, architecture and nature. *

Uses appropriate mathematical reasoning.
  • Applies theorems, formulas and algorithms correctly to the topics covered in the course.
  • Employs diagrams where appropriate.
  • Recognizes examples of incorrect reasoning. *

Describes the cultural contexts in which mathematics is used.
  • Researches and writes about a person from the history of mathematics or about a mathematically related topic

  • Or

  • Executes a creative project related to the topics covered in the course

  • Or

  • Describes the relationship of mathematics to applied problems covered in the course, such as: the Traveling-Salesman Problem, population problems, statistical surveys, etc. *

* Required topics currently include: Euler Circuits; Hamilton Circuits; Fibonacci Sequences and Applications; Linear and Exponential Growth Models; Collecting Statistical Data. Additional topics are selected from: The Mathematics of Voting Systems; Network Theory; Scheduling Theory; Symmetry; Fractal Geometry; Descriptive Statistics; Probability.
